ASP.NET MVC step by step- Hello World!

ASP.NET MVC step by step- Hello World

Today we will step up towards first application- Hello world in ASP.NET MVC. To develop application we have to install first Visual Studio 2013 Express Edition, for installing you can watch video Visual Studio

If you have installed visual studio 2013 in your machine, let’s start with development. Please follow below steps to develop first application- Hello world.


Start visual studio 2013. Go to New Project.




Go to Web and select ASP.NET Web Application Template from the List, Give the name of the project and give the proper location where you want to save.



You would be asked for template under web application. There are different templates available with the Authentication Methods , Web API, web Forms etc. But we will stick to our goal and will discuss all other things in following tutorials.

Select MVC template and without changing anything we will proceed further.



Congrats you have successfully prompt for the first by default template/screen for the MVC.

You would have different folders under solution as shown below screen, but we will only first understand basics. There are three folder Controller, Model, View which are main folders in which you will spend time mostly.



Press F5 or Run the application, You will have default screen of MVC.


One best part of this MVC template is screen compatibility, it always changes its structure according to screen resolution.

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