Compare two objects in C#

Today we will discuss regarding Compare two objects in C# with example.

Let us take a example for Compare two objects in C# where we have a class called FileDesc which has property file name, we want to create a collection of FileDesc class which should contains only distinct file name.

To achieve this scenario we have to compare objects of class FileDesc.


public class CompareFileName : IEqualityComparer<FileDesc>
            public bool Equals(FileDesc x, FileDesc y)
                return (x.Fname == y.Fname) ? true : false;

            public int GetHashCode(FileDesc obj)
                //  return 0;
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(obj, null)) return 0;
                int hashFirst = obj.Fname == null ? 0 : obj.Fname.GetHashCode();
                int hashLast = obj.Fname.GetHashCode();
                return hashFirst ^ hashLast;

How to use it..

GridDetailed.ItemsSource = collection_files.Distinct(new CompareFileName());

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Thanks, Happy coding 🙂

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