GitHub announced unlimited private repositories for all account holder

GitHub announced unlimited private repositories for all account holder

GitHub announced unlimited private repositories for all account holder

Hello folks, we have good news from GitHub. Till date we have to pay for any private repositories. But now we don’t have to pay. We can create our own private repository and for any number of private repositories for zero cost. It has been 6 months since Microsoft acquired GitHub for $7.5 billion. GitHub has announced that free account holders will now be eligible to make unlimited private repositories on the platform. Previously, all free account holders were only permitted to host their code publicly whereas the private option was restricted to premium members on GitHub.

The only limitation with private repositories is now the number of collaborators is 3. Services like Bitbucket and others are designed for private repositories for large development teams and they have better free plans. But Microsoft has taken steps in right direction.



Hope Microsoft will come with startup friendly services, which helps to small start ups and businesses.


Please share your thoughts on freely available repositories in cloud based GitHub plateform.


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